Native American flute music

Find Native American flute music close by and enjoy listening to the most meditative and relaxing sound this side of heaven through a variety ways. Of course the most magical listening may be when you blow gently into a flute yourself and let your fingers dance to your heart’s bidding.

Slack jaws…

I’m really not sure how to explain the variety of awestruck reactions I get when I play my various native style flutes. Buckeye Burl and Chechen woodMany times my elementary school kids will listen in silence with slack jaws. Silence comes infrequently in an elementary school setting![pullquote align=”right” color=”#B55938″]People seem to react with a deep resonance to the sound that flows from one of these flutes…[/pullquote]

Often times after a memorial service, one or more people will ask me to play one of my native flutes at their – yet unscheduled! – service.

People seem to react with a deep resonance to the sound that flows from one of these flutes…

Pick one of these ways to engage in the delight of native flutes:

  • Native American flute sheet music
  • Youtube Native American flute music
  • Native flute music download
  • Native American flute music radio
  • Native American Music Awards
  • World Flute Society

Find some other ways at the end of the page!

Native American flute sheet music

Painted gecko and gecko fetishGiven that I’m a lifelong musician with degrees in elementary music,  music pedagogy, harpsichord (minor) and organ, know that sheet music has played a large role in my career (I could tell you some page-turning adventures!). When I initially got my first native style flute – cedar in the key of G – I wanted to play without sheet music and improvise. That preference remains for me. Playing what comes from your heart mimics the practice of traditional native flute players. Give it a try![pullquote align=”right” color=”#B55938″]…sheet music for native flutes typically includes the finger positions.[/pullquote]

At memorial services, though, families tend to ask for the flute with specific music. I often play Amazing Grace and The Wayfaring Stranger. So I do on occasion use – memorized – sheet music. You may want some sheet music as well to mix up your playing from the heart with playing with sheet music. Flutetree’s Native American flute music Songbook section provides a great starting place…wonderful flute resource.

If you’ve got a brain that can do mental gymnastics, any ol’ sheet music will do. Most of us though need or want sheet music that shows which of the six holes to cover for each note. A lot of sheet music for native flutes includes the finger positions (tablature).

Youtube Native American flute music

youtube-search1You know if you’ve ever gone to Youtube that almost everything exists for your viewing and listening pleasure. Warning…don’t waste your time there! Native flute music occupies its own space – however large it is – on Youtube.

When you search at Youtube, suggestions that include your search term(s) appear below the search box. When I type in “native american youtube-search2flute,” you see the suggestions in this first image above on the right. When I type “native american flute music,” you see another list of
suggestions (on left). I think Youtube compiles these suggestions from previous searches which means that you might not actually find anything that matches each of the suggestions. Most suggestions in my
experience, though, result in some matches.

Native American flute music download

You might think, “I wish I could download some native flute music to my smart phone, iPod, other mobile gadget or even your computer. For the sake of artists, we want to do this in a legal way. For instance, go to and find downloadable native flute music.

If you want to find downloadable sheet music instead of recordings, look at the section above for sheet music.

Native American flute music radio stations

You might not live near a radio station with native flute music. Even so, through the magic of live streaming, listening on your computer or other mobile devices brings you the sound of flutes. Look at the programming pages of stations such as these:

Another category is Internet radio “stations.” serves as a sample of such an online station as does Gathering of Nations Radio at (flute and other music).

Listen to Native American Music Award winners

Shell-shaped fetishWhere better to find who’s doing what in Native American music than the Native American Music Award website?! Not all of the music is flute by any means. Yet, a bit of poking around the site will reward you with flute recordings, flute videos and names of the flutists. Knowing their names allows you to find them via a Google search with the potential reward of listening to more of their music.

World Flute Society

Take a journey to the World Flute Society website where you will find links to the website of Native American flute players. Listening pleasures await you at many turns…

Additional options

Of course you don’t need to be limited to these four ways to enjoy native flute music. Other options include purchasing CD’s or MP3’s, going to live events (I couldn’t believe a top-notch flute player came to play in my parents home town of 3,000!), finding a Pow Wow, taking lessons from accomplished flute players, going on retreats, joining a flute circle and more.